Starhub To Charge 4G Service Starting 1st June 2014

Wow a board move from Starhub to be the first to actually charge its users for 4G services starting 1st June 2014!

Starhub will be charging charging its 4G users $2.14 a month for the service which is a promotional rate instead of the usual full monthly charge of $10.70 a month. M1 currently state that 4G VAS will be free till 31st Dec while SingTel state that it has no plans as yet to charge its users for  4G but will charge $10.70 per month at "a date SingTel determines."

For those who are wondering why Telco can charge for its 4G but not 3G well that is because 4G is actually a value-added service  (VAS) that had been offered free by all 3 Telcos when it was first introduced a few years back.

More info here.

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